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Love is NOT a Feeling. Love is a CHOICE.
Marriage isn’t winning the lottery; the jackpot is finding someone willing to put in the effort with you.The One Sentence That Explains Why Most Marriages Fall Apart (msn.com)Before we got married, Chris prayed to God multiple times, “Please don’t let her be the one.” He admitted I was too “strong” and while he knew he wanted and needed a strong woman, he admits he was not sure he was quite ready for me.Nine years later, today, October 27, 2022, we celebrate another anniversary.Let’s be clear, the lockdown took a toll on us and 2022 has not been our “best year yet.” However, praise be to God, we worship the same God, and from our first date we knew Yehovah had a plan for us. Thus, as of this post, as of this day, our nine-year anniversary, we are doing quite well because, like the author of the quote, we know […]
Announcement: 2023 Women of Valor
Save the Date! If you are ready to dive into The Word with a group of women who are eager to rise into our status as Eshet Chayil – Women of Valor (Proverbs 31), join us on zoom the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 7:30-9p CT in 2023. The topics of study will be posted later in 2022 but you can get a taste of the group dynamic as well as what 2023 might look like if you join us in 2022. Aug 2022: We meet every Thursday night 7:30-9p CT to discuss “Primal” by Mark Batterson Sep 2022: We meet every Thursday night 7:30-9p CT to discuss “Radical” by David Platt Oct 13th: Community (scripture references will be posted later) Nov 10th: Gratitude (scripture references will be posted later) Dec 8th: Family (scripture references will be posted later) If you have questions, write kvm@kasandravitacca.com or feel […]
Good Health Is An Asset That Will Increase Your Net Worth
In an online article about the “15 Most Important Assets That Will Increase Your Net Worth,” HEALTH is #6. Having good health is a critical asset to building your net worth. It allows you to work more hours and be more productive without spending a bundle on medical appointments, treatments or surgeries. Invest in good health by eating well, exercising and visiting your doctor for regular checkups. “15 Most Important Assets That Will Increase Your Net Worth,” MSN. August 3, 2022 As a former independent wealth advisor (I officially retired at the end of 2019 after almost 12 years in the biz), I didn’t advise my clients according to everything on the article’s list and actively disagree with a few points. However, this list is solid overall. Specifically, I am encouraged to see the understanding that you will not be economically secure if you are not healthy. Health Wealth and […]
Societies Have Always Murdered The Innocent
Good societies can survive people doing immoral things but a good society cannot survive if it calls ‘immoral’ things ‘moral’. Dennis Prager, The Most Important Question About Abortion (prageru.com) Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight. Isaiah 5:20-21 Intellectual Honesty is often what we miss when discussing any issue. “Just state the facts, ma’am, and only the facts.” When it comes to the issue of abortion, we are simply replaying the historical tapes of murdering the innocent. History proves societies have always murdered children. You can use the emotional language of “we are fighting for women’s rights” but the base issue is we still want to murder children to “appease the gods” however we define them. When you can articulate the facts (IQ), free of emotions or bias, you have reached […]
Words Have Power
I learned a new word today – PASTICHE Pastiche – hodgepodge; an incongruous combination of materials, forms, motifs, etc. taken from different sources. “Such contradictions fuse in the tangled pastiche of the Internet.” What a great word. Say it – pa-steesh. It just feels good when it rolls out of your mouth. For those in the arts, you may already know of the pastiche artform which celebrates a work of visual art, literature, theatre, or music that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists. It is not a parody of differences but, rather, a celebration of seemingly incongruous elements that when fused form a new way of seeing all of life’s beauty…. A new “art.” As such, to learn of the word “pastiche” as a way to describe the world we have created by our 24/7 access to information, data, facts, opinions, truths, […]
ANNNOUNCEMENT: Our Tongue Is A Powerful Tool
Just as we can build one another up with expressions of praise and affection, so we can build one another up with correction administered at the proper time and in the proper manner. This delicacy may not be appreciated at first swallow, but it will eventually be recognized for what it is: one of the most nutritious and well-seasoned meals available. “Taming the Tongue,” Mark S. Kinzer. p.95 Let’s ensure our words have the POWER God intended! The Book of Mastering Oneself (aka: Proverbs) tell us, “Life and death is in the power of the tongue.” When one understands that the words s/he speaks affects EVERYTHING! s/he might be motivated to learn as much as s/he can about how to use her tongue more effectively. I will provide a high-level synopsis of the seven chapters of “Taming the Tongue” by Mark S. Kinzer via live stream on Zoom at 7:30pm […]
“Lifted Together”
When the Creator of All said that it is not good for man to be alone, He was not only speaking about the divine beauty of when man and woman marry. YHVH’s entire love letter to His children (aka: Torah, The Bible) is founded on The Truth that all of us are meant to bond with others so that we may be LIFTED TOGETHER. While the primary institution for us to grow and rise into our Divine Calling is marriage between a man and woman, men need men and women need women in ways only each gender can provide to their kind. God made them male female for a Divine Purpose. Thus, when a dear, eternal sister blessed me with a card and the image “Lifted Together” by artist Kate Lee, I felt compelled to remind you of The Truth: You are not alone nor is life meant to be […]
ANNOUNCEMENT: Tame Your Tongue!
Let’s ensure our words have the POWER God intended! The Book of Mastering Oneself (aka: Proverbs) tell us, “Life and death is in the power of the tongue.” When one understands that the words s/he speaks affect EVERYTHING! s/he might be motivated to learn as much as s/he can about how to use her tongue more effectively. Our lives are guided by what we think and what we say…. The direction and orientation of our lives will depend upon the direction and orientation of our tongues…. Our words can build up, strengthen and encourage others – imparting life – or our words can tear down, weaken, and dishearten others – causing death. “Taming the Tongue” Mark Kinzer I will provide a high level synopsis of the seven chapters of “Taming the Tongue” by Mark S. Kinzer via live stream on Zoom at 7:30pm CT on Thursdays in June and July*. […]
Before Death, Ask These Questions…
For people don’t know when their time will come any more than fish taken in the fatal net or birds caught in a snare; similarly, people are snared at an unfortunate time, when suddenly it falls on them. Ecclesiastes 9:12 I am not only at the age when I am called “blessed” to have both my parents alive and healthy, I am poignantly aware of my own descent considering I have fewer years in front of me than those I have already lived. The reality is, ANY day could be a last day for ANY one. As such, have you put your house in order? In the past I have blogged and vlogged about the need for a will regardless of if you have $0 or multi-millions. I have also spoken passionately about life insurance and beseeched you to purchase whole life over term. However, at least have term if […]
I’m Nobody…And Now I’m Happy!
“One of the hardest pills I had to swallow this year was realizing I meant nothing to people that meant the world to me.” – Anonymous This quote is floating around social media and each time my spirit rails against it. I finally figured out why. It’s the cry of those of us who are still enslaved to the lie: the world and the people in it were designed for my pleasure, to fulfill my desires, to operate as I deem correct. It’s my cry when I forget I am His creation, designed for His purposes. It’s the lament of those who have not fully surrendered some aspect of themselves to Yeshua. Below is what I wrote to a sister in Christ who has raised this “woe is me” flag. Ultimately my heart breaks for my brothers and sisters because I know this feeling and, by His grace, I know […]