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VLOG: Read w/Me…Let Me Pray for You
The realm of the spirit is real. The war for your allegiance has raged since the beginning of human creation. With whom do you align yourself? To whom do you pledge your allegiance? Whose/What team are you on? #choosewellThe answer to the team you choose, is the most important question you will answer while you walk in this temporal time and place before you enter your eternity. The reason it is a remnant who will enter through the narrow gate and spend eternity in the house of The One True King, is because everything in this world and of this world is against The Creator of it all. Ephesians 6 Read with me and learn what blocks you from walking in your highest calling and purpose for which you were Divinely Designed.
Vlog: If You Were Jewelry…
If you use jewelry as an analogy for who you are, your purpose, your value, would you be passed on to future generations … or would you be scrap? The analogy can be applied in many ways so it will always fall short. Like all analogies, like all parables, The Great IAm is speaking to you. May your eyes, ears, and heartmind be open to His pursuit of you, His beloved, His child. As a warrior in His spiritual army, I am here to train up and equip those of you who are ready to take up your battle call for the kingdom HaShem has given you. I’m on the battlefield of The Spirit with you #back2back
Vlog: 19 Years of Spiritual Warfare
On August 21, 2005, I recognized I had a problem and needed help. I entered the 12 steps of recovery and quickly learned that I needed to connect my head to my heart and, as such, my physical self – my intellect (IQ) and emotions (EQ) – with my spirit (GQ). We are infinite spiritual beings, having a finite physical experience. While this world matters, the physical was designed to be subject/under/submitted to The Spirit Within. As such, to whom/to what do you submit yourself? What you claim is your divine leading, is the reality you will experience in the here and now and into eternity. You were designed by The Great Creator to choose. You were given free will to make any choice. You are never forced to choose your actual Maker. This is the definition of true love. As such #ChooseWell.
You Can Lead a Horse to Water…
…but you can’t make him drink. I can show you how to think – what and Who to think about and even Why – but I can’t make you think. I want you to live in peace, freedom, HAPPINESS! The only way I know how is to share what I have learned along the way. This video comes on the heels of conversations with a mentee who has lived in debilitating fear for far too long. Her trials have been real. They are not trivial and HaShem has miraculously provided a way out with more and more “success” along the way. When you analyze the facts of her life, you might even be led to dismiss her because she has “nothing to fear.” And this is why I do what I do. I understand and have experienced the feelings. They crush your spirit when you operate only in this world […]
VLOG: I Want To Be Happy
Happiness is a battle to be waged, not a feeling to be awaited. Dennis Prager When someone asks, “Are you happy?” what is your gut response….REALLY? For far too many of us, the answer is not a resounding, “Absolutely!” but, rather, a more resigned, “Sometimes,” or the more colloquial, “Meh.” Five years after my book, “The Happiness Formula,” was published, I am humbled and grateful to answer, “Yes!” While I am pleased my life has remained joy-filled, a more important question is: HOW ARE YOU?! I did not write my book for me. I wrote it for you. Information abounds to help you access the happiness – peace, joy, success, freedom – HAPPINESS! – you seek. This vlog highlights a few resources that made a difference for me. May they serve you. Chazak Ubaruch – Be Strong Be Blessed
An Insane Woman … Redeemed
Jeremy Van Wert is a High Performance Coach, Therapist, and CEO who 30 years ago was a student in my US History class. Unbeknownst to me, I was his favorite teacher which is why he re-connected and asked me to speak with him for his podcast “Mindful Mutiny.” If you have any interest in learning about me or just hearing how one Gen Xer has navigated the worlds of poverty to prosperity, addiction to abundance, anti-establishment & anti-god to pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-conservative values and a sold-out sister in Christ, and myriad stories in between, listen in! Jeremy walks me down memory lane and, holy mother of god, I was confused, lost, delusional – insane! And, yet, somehow, some way, I managed to achieve a lot of what society validates as “success” …. and, hence, that which caused so much of the confusion, delusion, pain – insanity. We are eternal spirits […]
VLOG: Would You Die For A Stranger?
Who is this life all about? When you speak to someone, do you ask them about themselves or tell them all about you? This Veteran’s Day, don’t just tell a veteran you are thankful for their service, ask them to tell you about their life and their experience as a once active military person willing to die for you….then thank them. As I spent this past week reflecting upon what it means to lay down one’s life for others, strangers, I was reminded of my own selfishness, the ease with which I seek that which benefits me, my “sin” of pride believing I “deserve” even more than I have already been given. *deep sigh* On this Veteran’s Day may those who served listen to what I ask others to do – to see you, to listen to you, to seek first to understand rather than be understood – and, then, […]
My Last Words
Do You Know Before Whom You Stand?
Rosh Hashanah, The Head/Start of the Year, is September 16, 2023. We are in the last reading of the Torah scroll, Nitzavim-Vayelech and in the last days of the 40 days of teshuvah = repentance. It has been a glorious time of personal discovery through which I am as clear as I have ever been as to my purpose to exist and DA LIFNEI MI ATTAH OMED – Know Before Whom You Stand. “Knowing that we stand before God at all times is the essential fear of the LORD and the beginning of wisdom. “It’s also easier said than done….It’s easier to study about practicing the presence of God than it is to do it.” “How many times in a day do you realize that your head has been filled with busy thoughts (some less noble than others), selfish ideas, unkind sentiments, vain amusements, and entertainments, but not at all […]
To Belong or Not To Belong
If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. John 15 For we have no permanent city here; on the contrary, we seek the one to come. Heb 13 Focus your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth. Col 3 We can read the Truth all day and not FEEL good about it. We may not LIKE it and, as such, we rebel against it. It is why we are called to embrace The Truth that “our heart is deceptive above all things so do not trust it.” The correct order, so that it may go well for you and those you love, is FAITH, FACTS, FEELINGS, and no other arrangement will produce the good life we […]