Vlog: Incomprehensible But Not Meaningless
I recorded the words of an extemporaneous outpouring of my heart and then realized someone may need to hear this. The “transcript” is below.
For those with eyes to see and ears to hear…
It hit me this morning that life is not meaningless but it is incomprehensible. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
As such, the persistent and insidious lie of the enemy that we can fully and completely understand it, jumps into the forefront my thoughts. I hear these words, that life is not fully comprehensible, and I tell myself, “If I just seek a little more, try a little harder, surrender that one last bit of self, then I will somehow arrive.” Yet this is not what the Word says.
God makes it abundantly clear, we are/I am not Him and we/I can never understand the fullness of it all. Thus, faith must kick in (Hebrews 11:1) because how am I going to respond to the fact that there will be some things, maybe a lot of things, that The Master will never reveal and He does it because He is good and it is for my good.
Do I believe Him? Do I trust Him?
The pride within me rises up and does not like that I must surrender ultimate responsibility, ultimate understanding, to this amorphous “god.” Hence I rage against the machine. I rage against the patriarchy. I rage against someone else being my master…. In the end, I lack humility and nothing is available to me without humility.
Hence my pain, my confusion, my disillusionment, my hopelessness, my sense of constant dis-ease comes from a desire within me to be God.
I am back in The Garden talking to The Great Liar.
His name (nachash) means “diligent, patient observer” and he has watched every move I have ever made and memorized every word I have ever spoken so he can twist all of it against me and lead me on paths of discord, despair, darkness, destruction, and walking death…. and how many times do I take the bait?
The Enemy has also heard me declare my fidelity to Yeshua/ Jesus (Romans 10:9), my loyalty and desire to be one, bonded with Jesus, so he knows he can’t claim my soul but he certainly does not want me to walk or talk in a manner that allows the spirit of Christ within me to speak to and love on the spirit of Christ in others who are lost and seeking.
So then I hear the words of my Savior as he speaks to Cain, the Cain within me, and asks, “Kasandra, why is your head hung low? Why is your face downcast? You have all you need to choose what is right. You have all you need to do what is acceptable in my eyes. Sure sin desires you, the enemy pursues you, he seduces you, BUT you have been given all you need, in and through Me, to master yourself.” (Genesis 4:6-7)
So I do that which is within my control which is to call upon the name of Jesus.
I call upon the only Name that has the power in the moment, for this moment, to calm the storm of my own rebellion so that I can press forward and do that which I am called to do today.
In the name of Jesus, I don the battle gear that He has called me to wear knowing that this is a spiritual battle. (Ephesians 6:10-18) I fight this battle not just for myself, but for those who I care about, those He has given me charge over and for – family, children, friends, colleagues, strangers – my kingdom, my hula hoop.
In the name of Adonai Eloheinu Yeshua HaMashiach, the mighty powerful name which causes the demons to flee, I call upon You, Jesus, today to surround me, to operate within me and through me, so I can be more than a glimmer of light, but I can be Your beacon of light to those who do not even know that the battle is real.
In Your Strength, Lord.
In Your power Jesus.
I submit to you.
Baruch HaShem. Shalom
I’m excited to walk this journey with you as we unveil the practical and research-based information on how to achieve that which we all desire for ourselves and others – to be “happy”. We discover that happiness is attainable and, better yet, sustainable, as long as one is willing to do the work. In my book “The Happiness Formula”, I dive into each element in detail. Order your copy of “The Happiness Formula”, click here and subscribe to my YouTube Channel (click here) for continued insights and updates into HAPPINESS. Thank you for your support!
Kasandra Vitacca Mitchell
Kasandra Vitacca Mitchell is an Author, Speaker, Coach of Wealth & Happiness with a mission to bring research, wisdom, and authenticity to others via “The Happiness Formula.”