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Do You Know Before Whom You Stand?
Rosh Hashanah, The Head/Start of the Year, is September 16, 2023. We are in the last reading of the Torah scroll, Nitzavim-Vayelech and in the last days of the 40 days of teshuvah = repentance.It has been a glorious time of personal discovery through which I am as clear as I have ever been as to my purpose to exist and DA LIFNEI MI ATTAH OMED – Know Before Whom You Stand.“Knowing that we stand before God at all times is the essential fear of the LORD and the beginning of wisdom. “It’s also easier said than done….It’s easier to study about practicing the presence of God than it is to do it.” “How many times in a day do you realize that your head has been filled with busy thoughts (some less noble than others), selfish ideas, unkind sentiments, vain amusements, and entertainments, but not at all focused on […]
To Belong or Not To Belong
If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. John 15 For we have no permanent city here; on the contrary, we seek the one to come. Heb 13 Focus your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth. Col 3 We can read the Truth all day and not FEEL good about it. We may not LIKE it and, as such, we rebel against it. It is why we are called to embrace The Truth that “our heart is deceptive above all things so do not trust it.” The correct order, so that it may go well for you and those you love, is FAITH, FACTS, FEELINGS, and no other arrangement will produce the good life we […]
Do You Want to Be Competent or Likeable?
I could have scripted Robin Hauser’s TedTalk “The Likeability Dilemma for Women Leaders.” What this documentarian reveals has been my reality since 1st grade when I was told a girl cannot be president of the class as “that is a boy’s job”…. and it is probably why I ended up being president of my class throughout high school. LOL! I value COMPETENCE over LIKEABILITY and, yet, the most competent and capable do not always win. So much of life is not just about who you know, but who likes you enough to help you. It is the politics, the “kissing up,” the sycophancy that makes most of us retch and, yet, some of us are simply better at saying what needs to be said…or not. Some of us tolerate the ruse better than someone like me. And just in case you missed it, I am a girl and …. Research […]
My Answer to “What Do You Do?”
During the summer of 2018, I was led to write a book on “happiness.” By January 2019 my book “The Happiness Formula” was released and I spent my days speaking on and coaching people into financial freedom, relational joy, and spiritual connectedness. Since then, I have struggled to succinctly define how to answer the question, “What do you do?” Five years later, after officially retiring, moving to a new town, designing and building a home, starting another new business, celebrating my son’s marriage, and experiencing other varied life milestones, I am ready to claim a new title. I am a JUBILARIAN. I have entered the life phase of JUBILEE. I have the Divine Pleasure of working on and in and for a life of JUBILATION so that I may lead others towards more JOY in their daily walk. I remain committed to the many roles I have had over the […]
Are You A Buzz Kill?
Always with the negative waves… why don’t you dig how beautiful it is…. say something righteous and hopeful… have a little faith…. “Kelly’s Heroes” catch-phrases I watched “Kelly’s Heroes” two decades after its release and while I remember very little about the movie, I never forgot the many times Oddball (Donald Sutherland) chastised Moriarty (Gavin MacLeod) for his negativity. I am definitely an Oddball and remain “challenged” by the many, many, (Lord help us) many Moriartys of the world. We all have moments of not being our best and we add to the sorrow in the world rather than shine the light of joy and peace. These moments of “low vibration” might be a factor of a temporary feeling and we should HALT and ask ourselves, “Am I hungry? angry? lonely? tired? in this moment and it will pass?” While very often we may be in the middle of a […]
To Give Is To Love
Of the five love languages, “gifts” is the last way I perceive/receive love. I am a “words of affirmation” type which is essentially why I post blogs and vlogs and frequently add to various social media platforms. What I write is my way of saying, “I love you, fellow citizen, and I desire for the words that follow to benefit and bless you, even if you disagree.” As for this post, I pray the announcement of the 2023 Vitacca Mitchell Scholar will inspire you to consider a scholarship of your own. CONGRATULATIONS DAYANA PAMPLONA! The 2023 Vitacca Mitchell Scholar You are the fifth Vitacca Mitchell Scholar, joining a group of young leaders who will change the world for the better. Welcome to the “family!” In 2018, in honor of my 30th high school reunion, I decided to give back to the school in which I found so much joy – […]
What Happened To My Body?!
As a 50+ year old woman, the change of life has created a whole new body for me to understand. All the stereotypes apply from aches and pains that travel from one area of my body to another depending on the weather, to weight gain which has me singing the Jello jingle, “Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle…”; to the loss of hair on my legs so shaving is a twice a month process rather than every day. (Although this last change is downright exciting!) Because there is no getting around the fact that our bodies change dramatically once we start on the second half of this finite phase of life, and therefore we must research, study, and learn new approaches for our specific needs, it is imperative to avoid a few myths (lies) that actually keep us from achieving the health we desire. Below are three basic myths/lies to […]
Vlog: If There’s No Wood, The Fire Goes Out
If you want to experience the highest level of peace and HAPPINESS, you MUST release any person, institution, or idea that allows you to dislike, distrust, fear or even hate another. The feelings you harbor are like drinking poison, hoping the other person will die. You are sick, tired, hurt, angry because you have yet to forgive. Release yourself from the burden by praying blessing over and for whatever or whomever you blame and call your “enemy.” Join me in praying for all people not just in forgiveness but in blessing! Baruch HaShem. Shalom Anyone who hates another brother or sister is really a murderer at heart. And you know that murderers don’t have eternal life within them. 1 John 3 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, violent assertiveness and slander, along with all spitefulness. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted; and forgive each other, just as in the […]
Today Determines Tomorrow
I randomly came across the story “10 Things You Really Begin To Hate When You Get Older” from “Wealth of Geeks” and I not only agree, I laughed out loud in the process. On a more serious note, the first point highlights one reason why I have such compassion for my fellows – we are a physically sick nation and #HEALTHMATTERS. The author used Reddit posts to compile his story. The first entry “Life Choices,” highlights the decisions one makes in their 20s that have a deleterious impact 20 years later. A 40-something commented on how hard it is to quit smoking and stated, “Screw my 23-year old dumb self.” When I ran a financial services practice, I said frequently, “What you DO or DON’T DO in your 20s, shows up in your 40s.” I would add extra words when I was discussing one’s financial stability or emotional peace of […]
Differences Matter…And Not All Are Ideal
I am a #BoyMom and while he is now married and creating a nice life for himself, he remains one of God’s greatest blessings to me. Thus, when I came across this brief article of the social experiment which monitored 10 boys and 10 girls alone in a house to track their behavior and interactions, my heart broke a little.* The experiment reveals boys destructive and irresponsible nature while the girls exhibit team work and the ability to care for themselves and others at a level almost unheard of for their age. While the boys fight with each other and quickly break into factions, the girls work together to solve differences and remain a productive, cohesive, and joy-filled unit. 30 years ago, I had no idea my fight for gender equality would become a full-scale attack on the reason and purpose for our differences. While this article would lead one […]