Words Have Power

I learned a new word today – PASTICHE
Pastiche – hodgepodge; an incongruous combination of materials, forms, motifs, etc. taken from different sources. “Such contradictions fuse in the tangled pastiche of the Internet.”
What a great word. Say it – pa-steesh. It just feels good when it rolls out of your mouth.
For those in the arts, you may already know of the pastiche artform which celebrates a work of visual art, literature, theatre, or music that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists. It is not a parody of differences but, rather, a celebration of seemingly incongruous elements that when fused form a new way of seeing all of life’s beauty…. A new “art.”
As such, to learn of the word “pastiche” as a way to describe the world we have created by our 24/7 access to information, data, facts, opinions, truths, lies,…. insanity! is to embrace the new artform of living.
Just as in the world of art, pastiche is something to be celebrated. While often life’s differences and incongruities result in collisions, they are also the place of creation so we celebrate the “new art” that arises from it.
Therefore, never stop reading! When you increase your vocabulary, you increase your opportunities to grow and mature and heal and have true emotional intelligence…. and, therefore, peace, success, HAPPINESS.
Rather than remain a frustrated toddler who does not have words to express the fullness of how one feels and believes, reading, learning, and increasing one’s vocabulary allows us to find what it is we really want/need/feel/believe. IQ is the learning. EQ is what manifests. GQ is what undergirds and drives it all. #NeverStopLearning #lifelonglearner #wordshavepower #choosewisely
#KasandraVitacca #PersonalExcellenceDrillSergeant #TheHappinessFormulaBook #HappinessIsAChoice #BeTheHappy #HealthMatters #HealthyTreats4U #HealthyTreatsTX #HealthyVending #FearNot #RiseUpAndReign #ElevationRequiresSeperation #THeLeastOfTheBest

I’m excited to walk this journey with you as we unveil the practical and research-based information on how to achieve that which we all desire for ourselves and others – to be “happy”. We discover that happiness is attainable and, better yet, sustainable, as long as one is willing to do the work. In my book “The Happiness Formula”, I dive into each element in detail. Order your copy of “The Happiness Formula”, click here and subscribe to my YouTube Channel (click here) for continued insights and updates into HAPPINESS. Thank you for your support!
Kasandra Vitacca Mitchell
Kasandra Vitacca Mitchell is an Author, Speaker, Coach of Wealth & Happiness with a mission to bring research, wisdom, and authenticity to others via “The Happiness Formula.”