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VLOG: Never Fight Again!
Far too often in marriage, we fight rather than navigate conflict. I used to lament our lack of skills in conflict resolution. Now I know it is not simply a matter of gaining more data and facts (IQ). nor is it just about corralling our emotions, so we respond rather than react (EQ). While IQ and EQ are necessary and important, the equation will not result in the highest level of “happiness,” without God. (GQ). IQ + EQ + GQ = HQ!Dr. Juli Slattery helps women find the hero in our husbands and teaches us how to communicate through conflict rather than fight to win which, paradoxically, ends up in a loss for everyone involved.My desire is to elevate marriage to the Divine status for which it was created. If we can reclaim YHVH’s most powerful and important relationship, we can change the world for the better.Read, meditate upon, prayerfully […]
Run a Business or Get a J-O-B?
“What was I thinking?!” … “Why exactly did I launch another business?” … “Didn’t I just retire from a career which required I hunt for the next client?? And here I am doing the dog and pony show again.” … “Lord almighty, what was I thinking?!!” These are the thoughts that played over and over in my head as I returned from a glorious vacation because I needed one! I had just launched another new business and I was exhausted from wearing every hat a small business requires from president to accountant to marketing to business development to inventory control to administrator and more. I had recently retired from the independent financial services business I started in 2008. So, when the lockdown hit in early 2020 and my speaking and coaching business came to a standstill, I figured it was a good time to officially retire from everything. Further, my […]
Be Perfect!
Jesus shoots us straight; He does not mince words when He tells us what we are to do, who we are to be, what He commands, and that is: BE PERFECT! When YHVH completed the work of creating the heavens and the earth, when He had seen all He had done was good – tov: functioning according to His Perfect Divine Design to fulfill His Perfect Intended purpose, that all He created had reached its full maturity and needed nothing more to be complete – He implied its perfection by stating it is “finished.” In Greek the word is “teleo” and it is what the Biblical writers translate were Yeshua’s final words on The Cross. In Hebrew teleo corresponds to the first mention of this word in scripture when YHVH creates all that exists on the earth just before he creates, us, male/female. When He states all was “finished” = […]
VLOG: Success & Happiness Require a Plan
If you cannot define where you will go, you will never get there. When you have a written plan, a clear map, research proves you will make it! I have been speaking on, teaching about, preaching the power of annual planning for years! I offer a LOT of free resources and a few paid: Hire me to speak to your group! From presentations on “annual planning” to “strategic time control” to how does one actually create a “new beginning,” speaking is perhaps my greatest joy. https://kasandravitacca.com/media-kit/#presentations My book! The entire book is brilliant! But if you are not a reader, spend the 20 bucks anyway and read the chapter titled “Annual Planning.” Order “The Happiness Formula” at https://amzn.to/3c2erj0 Webinars! For those who do better video learning or you just don’t want to spend too much time, the webinar “Written Plans Prosper” Whttps://kasandravitacca.com/webinars/ Tools! The Annual Planning webinar is best when […]
VLOG: You Define Your Past and Future
As your Personal Excellent Drill Sergeant, this video briefly describes a simple and effective process to organize, define, and close the chapter (or book) on 2021 such that you can launch into an even better 2022. I reference a plethora of resources to assist you in the process all of which can be found at KasandraVitacca.com. Numerous blogs and vlogs had your success, health, wealth, and happiness in mind as I created them. If you want to go deeper, check out the webinars under “Resources,” buy my book https://amzn.to/3c2erj0 , hire me to speak to your group or even be your Coach. Some resources on my YouTube site include the “Success Sundays” series I developed at the end of 2020 which walks you through your written annual planning process. My website has webinars about making goals and budgeting to success and HAPPINESS. Everything at KasandraVitacca.com is designed to help you […]
Words Have Power to Create or Destroy
Do You Really Want People to Call you “Diva” and “Bitch”? Have you ever called yourself a “diva”? Do you call your friends “bitch”? Far too many of us normalize terms which, regardless of what we tell ourselves they mean, remain words of disrespect, disgust, darkness and death. Sadly, the enemy has convinced good, strong, capable, and worthy people to believe when they speak these terms over themselves or others, they regain power over what they perceive to be that which enslaves. Unfortunately, because these terms are about making our fellow man and woman the enemy, they haven’t done one thing to erase true evil but, rather, expand its reach. A “diva” is the polar opposite of YHVH’s Divine Design for a woman. A diva is “a self-important person who is temperamental and difficult to please.” Is it really necessary to explain why one would NOT want to be a […]
VLOG: No More B/Vlogs….maybe
Thank you for following me as I blog and vlog about all things success, leadership, personal and relational efficacy – HAPPINESS. I am pretty sure I may blog or vlog again some time in the future but the monthly routine of at least one blog and/or vlog does not make sense with my new business venture of owning and maintaining HEALTHY VENDING MACHINES. Check out my new venture at www.HealthyTreatsTX.com. If you are an Owner or the HR Professional or know the name of the person at your work and you want to discuss having healthy snacks and drinks at your business for your employees and customers, reach out! Until the next blog or vlog, May God richly bless you today and always! Shalom
VLOG: They Say “Choose Your Hard”…But It’s Hard!
This video is a pretty raw confession that sometimes The Answer is not enough. In fact, far too many times I want a different answer because I don’t “feel” good about what is happening in the moment. If you only read the title of my book “The Happiness Formula,” you might reject it based on the Truth that LIFE IS HARD. As such, you might embrace the lie that “happiness” is not possible. And, yet, it IS available in ABUNDANCE to those who know to take their thoughts and feelings captive and press on because, indeed, sometimes the hard hurts….but God.
VLOG: Marriage Matters and it is MAHvelous!
Take 16 minutes of your day to focus on MARRIAGE. Learn of my desire to be of service to you as I offer resources and ideas to help you increase your peace, freedom and HAPPINESS, specifically, in your most important relationship. https://kasandravitacca.com/libary/ – scroll through the books I recommend and I offer a few around “marriage” https://kasandravitacca.com/webinars/ – scroll through the videos and watch the one specifically on “sex” https://bit.ly/30u5NXC – Invest in a “Weekend to Remember” and use discount code “Romans1210” https://www.lovelikeyoumeanitcruise.com/ – Join us in 2022 for the annual “Love Like You Mean It” Marriage cruise
Octo(ber) 8 =s New Beginnings
October is my favorite month for so many reasons. Beyond the near perfect weather in the five states I have lived and even the many places I have visited domestically and around the world, October is a month I have always claimed as my “new beginning.” It is often around this month in Jewish communities the reading of The Scroll/Torah/God’s Truth starts at the beginning – Bereshit. In 2021 The Scroll starts anew on October 2nd. Even the name itself means “new beginnings” when you combine this Greco-Roman word which means “eight” and the Hebrew meaning of the number 8 which means: eternity, new creation, first in new series, new birth, super abundance, new beginnings. It is during the month of October I begin to wind down my year and envision and plan for the next year. I suspect the reason I start to close out one year and look […]