I’m Nobody…And Now I’m Happy!

“One of the hardest pills I had to swallow this year was realizing I meant nothing to people that meant the world to me.” – Anonymous
This quote is floating around social media and each time my spirit rails against it. I finally figured out why.
It’s the cry of those of us who are still enslaved to the lie: the world and the people in it were designed for my pleasure, to fulfill my desires, to operate as I deem correct.
It’s my cry when I forget I am His creation, designed for His purposes.
It’s the lament of those who have not fully surrendered some aspect of themselves to Yeshua.
Below is what I wrote to a sister in Christ who has raised this “woe is me” flag. Ultimately my heart breaks for my brothers and sisters because I know this feeling and, by His grace, I know the Truth that sets me free from it.
May what I wrote encourage you to dig deeper into why you feel the need to complain and lament and seek sympathy from others because someone does not love you like you think they should. Baruch HaShem
The message to my sister in Christ:
I have seen this sentiment posted from a lot of people, mostly women….actually, all women but I am being courteous as maybe I forgot the one man who posted. Point being, we women are Divinely Designed to connect with others. We feel deeply. As such of course it hurts. Your pain means you are alive.
Where we get confused is we think our connections are meant for us. We believe we only matter if people think about us as we decide they should.
What if our role in the life of another is simply as the vessel for God’s Truth and thus the focus was never on you nor should it have been? As such, God accomplished His purposes.
If the world is a better place for my having been in it and no one knows I existed, count me in! After all, if you claim to be a disciple of Yeshua, if you desire to be submitted and surrendered to His life operating in and through you, this is the High calling of Christ which enables us to experience the abundance of His perfect provision and protection.
I pray you embrace the beautiful pain of being IN this world but not OF this world.
Now enjoy listening and singing along to “Nobody” by Casting Crowns: https://youtu.be/1yBzIt_z8oY
I’m just a nobody / Trying to tell everybody / All about Somebody / Who saved my soul / Ever since You rescued me / You gave my heart a song to sing / I’m living for the world to see / Nobody but Jesus / I’m living for the world to see / Nobody but Jesus
So let me go down, down, down in history / As another blood-bought faithful member of a family / And if they all forget my name, well that’s fine with me / I’m living for the world to see / Nobody but Jesus

I’m excited to walk this journey with you as we unveil the practical and research-based information on how to achieve that which we all desire for ourselves and others – to be “happy”. We discover that happiness is attainable and, better yet, sustainable, as long as one is willing to do the work. In my book “The Happiness Formula”, I dive into each element in detail. Order your copy of “The Happiness Formula”, click here and subscribe to my YouTube Channel (click here) for continued insights and updates into HAPPINESS. Thank you for your support!
Kasandra Vitacca Mitchell
Kasandra Vitacca Mitchell is an Author, Speaker, Coach of Wealth & Happiness with a mission to bring research, wisdom, and authenticity to others via “The Happiness Formula.”