My Last Words
I wrote this the other day to my children. As I finished, I realized, these are my “last words” before I take leave of this earth… as Kasandra before today…
I am writing a new book.
It is not just a chapter in my life that has closed, but the entire book of my life has come to an end, and I am writing a new story.
What you are about to read is raw and could use a lot of editing. Even if it is comprehensible, there is a lot behind each statement. Ask me to elaborate if you would like… or just read it and toss it…. although I pray you will come back to it and re-read it as, truly, these are my last words… for now. xo
“Intention. It’s the silent force that propels progress. It’s not about what you do but why you do it …individuals with clear intentions were 42% more likely to achieve their goals than those without. (HBR) Intention isn’t just a buzzword. It’s the engine behind every major decision. Without a clear intention, you’re moving without a map. Knowing your ‘why’ isn’t a luxury; it’s a must. Ask yourself: Why are you doing what you’re doing? Your answer” That’s the game-changer.” (unknown poster on LI)
“Financial independence has nothing to do with living.”
Chris Mitchell
I say often, “Money isn’t enough” because while we need money to pay the rent and put food in our bellies, the pursuit of money is a temporary fix and not sustainable in the long run to satisfy the deepest wants and needs of our spirit.
Just like drugs and alcohol, acquiring lots of money, things, accolades “feels” good in the moment but it won’t last and in far too many cases, and in the long run, seeking these temporal things hurts your heart, mind and body. Thus, DO the hard work it takes NOW to “build your resume”, “add to your toolchest”, position yourself for success in the future.
Position Yourself for the Future (WORK)
The goal is to have OPTIONS in the future so you GET A DEGREE and all the CERTIFICATIONS you can NOW while you have the energy to work 2 or 3 “jobs”. Money flows constantly and in abundance to those who are prepared.
“Wealth is not lost, it changes owners; it goes to the prepared.”
So put in the effort while you are young and have the energy and fewer distractions, to set yourself up to receive and participate in the flow. And even for folks like me in our 50s, we ain’t dead yet, so go for it! Get whatever learning/help necessary to acquire a new level of “options.”
Your Savings is Your Wealth (MONEY)
SAVE 25-30% of every dollar you make before you have tasted the sweetness of luxuries that are temporary. (Big houses, cars, vacations, consumer goods, keeping up with the Jones) Once you have the basic discipline of saving, you will never be poor or hungry or homeless. And, you are ready to pursue wealth building. (Remember, I retired from financial services. Ask me for the contact of my former partner, Eric!)
If you have nothing, then today is a good day to start!
Being Healthy is about Freedom! (HEALTH)
EAT WELL and EXERCISE while you are able to recover quickly and before your body begins its downward descent, which is a reality for every human. What you do or don’t do in your 20s and 30s will reveal itself in your 40s and 50s. And by your 60s and 70s, you will either need major medicines and walkers or you will hike mountains and dance disco.
For those of us past our prime, alas, there is nothing like the present to start on a new path. A one degree change in a better, healthier direction has exponential impact down the road.
Rate/Rank/Judge Your Posse (INFLUENCE)
Be JUDICIOUS about who you hang around. You ARE who you surround yourself, so you will either run with turkeys or fly like eagles. Remember, there is an annual holiday to feast on one of those choices.
It might be more comfortable to be amongst those who walk and talk like you but success, peace, freedom, HAPPINESS comes from the discomfort of stepping outside your bubble consistently enough that, eventually, you are comfortable being uncomfortable. There is nothing wrong with running back to your hood, your people, your kin, but no one succeeds by staying in their house. The lockdown proved only depression, divorce, and death (via suicide) increased when we sequestered.
We are not meant to do life alone so choose your playmates and playpens with your future in mind. If you would not want the life of the people you are around, find new people.
Even when you find quality brothers and sisters, you remain an individual who will have to guard the boundaries of your personal hula hoop lest you give away your power, peace, and happiness to someone or something. We answer for ourselves alone. We are accountable to ourselves/God alone…. And we do not do life alone.
Invest in Wise Counsel (INTEGRITY)
Be HONEST with at least one person in all you do and think. Confess your sins to one another and be set free. The insidious evil of self-delusion and self-deception is what cast us out of the Garden of Eden. The allure of what is not true breaks down the boundaries of delight and we wander aimlessly in the desert until we submit to The Truth. We may not like what we see and hear in The Truth, but it is only in dying to self-understanding, that we walk again, naked and unashamed, in the verdant abundance of our Divine Design.
Build A Relationship With God (SPIRIT)
GET TO KNOW JESUS before the world convinces you “god can be whatever you want” or nothing at all. Ultimately, we are all a product of the team we choose. YHVH gave us 1000s of years of examples penned in scrolls and canonized in a book called “The Bible.” Humans have distorted and destroyed The Divine Truth since before it was written and yet He remains to be chosen, to be sought, to be followed, to be in relationship. Seek Him and you will find and flourish!
If I die today, I trust Yeshua HaMashiach has a place for me in His eternal kingdom. My finite flesh and ego want to believe I am worthy of glimmering, bejeweled crowns and a seat at His table. Yet I have enough humility to know I may have it all wrong and I will evaporate into nothingness, dust and ashes that return to the earth, having lived decades that ultimately meant nothing… Havel Havalim – Vanity of Vanities….. *deep sigh*…
And yet you, the precious person reading this, YOU are alive and breathing, doing your best to find fulfillment – peace, joy, freedom – for yourself. As such, may these words add to YOUR life. May the examples I set, the words I offered, and the actions I took provide insight into what you should do and what you should not do. May YOU prosper!
I have done my best to serve and with whatever time I have left, I will continue to pursue this foundational motivating principle of my “why.” I love you too much not to share this with you. xo
Da Lifnei Mi Attah Omed – Know Before Whom You Stand.
Chazak Ubaruch – Be Strong Be Blessed.
Shalom shalom