Run a Business or Get a J-O-B?

“What was I thinking?!” … “Why exactly did I launch another business?” … “Didn’t I just retire from a career which required I hunt for the next client?? And here I am doing the dog and pony show again.” … “Lord almighty, what was I thinking?!!”
These are the thoughts that played over and over in my head as I returned from a glorious vacation because I needed one! I had just launched another new business and I was exhausted from wearing every hat a small business requires from president to accountant to marketing to business development to inventory control to administrator and more.
I had recently retired from the independent financial services business I started in 2008. So, when the lockdown hit in early 2020 and my speaking and coaching business came to a standstill, I figured it was a good time to officially retire from everything. Further, my husband and I were building a new home in a new town which gave me a great excuse to leave the world of work behind and enjoy the life of retirement.
Thus, 2020 was a year dedicated to creating a new living space as empty nesters. I had a lot of new rooms to design and decorate, not to mention a new town to explore. It was also during this time that I came to the realization of why I love being an entrepreneur.
I did not work for money. Sure, before retirement, my income contributed to our ability to sustain our lifestyle. However, even when we needed my money to make ends meet, God wired me in such a way that my motivation was always: how can I use my skills, talents, intellect, and expertise to help others achieve more for themselves?
I am a “mission-driven” person.
I may or may not “need” money, but I “want” purpose and meaning. For me to excel, I want more than survival; I want to thrive! And for me to thrive, my work must matter for something more than money.
So, when 2021 arrived, I had completed the main projects in my home, and I quickly became eager for another “project.” As more business establishments opened and travel became less restrictive, I knew I had to go back to work. …but where? …and, more importantly, why? …I not only had no more financial need, but to a certain extent, I had lost my desire.
Thus, the debate began: do I get a regular J-O-B or start another business? I hesitated to launch another business because I knew the exorbitant work involved to create a successful and sustainable venture. At times, the allure of a defined work schedule with a set paycheck within a somewhat narrow set of work objectives, would tease my thoughts and I would find myself searching for jobs on the internet.
However, one critical truth kept rising to the surface which compelled me to launch my next business venture – I want control.
I want to control my time and the company vision.
So, whether I worked 20 hours or 60, I could not stomach the idea of having to get permission from a “boss” to take personal time off to visit my ageing parents for a week or host a spiritual weekend for women or take a vacation. More importantly, I did not want to answer to anyone but my God and the wise counsel with whom I choose to surround myself. #ControlMatters
Shark Tank business guru, Lori Griener spoke truth when she said,
Entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week.
Entrepreneurs like me do not work for the money or the accolades or the fame. We work as hard as we do because there is a desire that burns inside us to create and build and control a future reality that simply will not exist under the direction of someone else’s vision. We have a dream for ourselves and the people we will impact that will only work if we can control it. Sure, others can help, and we hire them. In the end, however, we take the risks because our desire to create something sustainable that impacts and delights all involved is so strong that we must define the parameters ourselves.
In September 2021, I launched Healthy Treats 4U, a venture that combines my passion for entrepreneurship with my excitement for simple, healthy eating options. And though I lamented the reality of the hunt, that I must suit up and find clients for my new business, I simultaneously knew the only outcome would be unadulterated joy. Not only was I backed by the confidence of having built successful businesses before, but Healthy Treats 4U is built on a vision which makes it valuable and rewarding for all involved.
Managing healthy vending machines is not just about encouraging people to make smarter food choices. As soon as all my machines are placed in businesses with sustainable traffic, I will immediately begin a campaign to find and train hard-working citizens who are often dismissed and considered unemployable by our society. The business model and operational structure of Healthy Treats 4U will enable those who may not be able to thrive in the traditional dynamic of 9-5, to earn a decent wage with professional freedom.
The prospect of giving others this opportunity is how I know my business will succeed.
It has to…not for me, but to allow others to see optimism in their future, maybe for the first time ever.
No matter how tired I get or when I lose my “desire” to work, it is the idea that I can create something great for another to flourish, which gets me out of bed in the morning and keeps me up late at night. While it is foolhardy to say, “I did this on my own,” starting a business from the ground floor is about as close as I will get to exclaiming, “I did that!” It is that feeling of “self-made” achievement which sustains me as an entrepreneur. Knowing “I did that,” keeps me from looking for a regular J-O-B where I would be stymied and denied the chance to be the conduit to create realities for others that far surpass their dreams. #ControlMatters

I’m excited to walk this journey with you as we unveil the practical and research-based information on how to achieve that which we all desire for ourselves and others – to be “happy”. We discover that happiness is attainable and, better yet, sustainable, as long as one is willing to do the work. In my book “The Happiness Formula”, I dive into each element in detail. Order your copy of “The Happiness Formula”, click here and subscribe to my YouTube Channel (click here) for continued insights and updates into HAPPINESS. Thank you for your support!
Kasandra Vitacca Mitchell
Kasandra Vitacca Mitchell is an Author, Speaker, Coach of Wealth & Happiness with a mission to bring research, wisdom, and authenticity to others via “The Happiness Formula.”