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The United States IS the Land of Opportunity!
The audience erupted in spontaneous applause. I cried. I started crying before the movie officially ended but when the applause began my tears turned from a silent, polite flow to an audible stream of elephant tears as my body shook with emotions that I am still unsure if I can name….Gratitude? Sadness? Pain?…..Awe?…… Humility! I am awestruck by the humility the real women behind the move “Hidden Figures” displayed in the face of constant barriers. These women represent the millions of silent heroes who will never grace the pages of a history book or the sliverscreen but their stories will resonate in the spirit of those who follow because someone always knows the Truth….even if I don’t. When I first read of this movie I was dumbfounded insofar as I have always gravitated to what is labeled “revisionist history” especially as it relates to women and people of color and, […]
Transform Your Mind To Change Your World!
How you respond to winning or losing, how you respond to getting what you want or not, tells us a lot about how content and at peace you are with yourself – how truly secure you are purely because you exist as YOU. On the heels of people getting or not getting what they want in the POTUS, my heart hurts for those who believe their continued public laments which often involve tears, rants and raves, and epithets directed at those who cast a vote other than their own/at those who think differently, somehow, these public displays of emotionalism, project to the world that they are “enlightened” or more “righteous”. All those who complain and spew negativity, including expressions of a loss of hope as well as those who make statements akin to the God-ordained appearance of the Second Coming, believe they are actually “correct” and “justified” in their opinions. […]
You Are Designed to Master Money (Part 1 in a Series)
Are you the master of your money? Do you know what it takes to master your money? Are you doing what it takes to master your money? If you answered, yes, I want to applaud you for your confidence in your behaviours and decisions around money. I must admit, I am a bit skeptical. When the Social Security administration reports that 75% of the people entering retirement do not have any money, I am curious is you are really part of the 25% who do. Even within the 25%, 20% have an average nest egg of about $100,000. As such, are you part of the 5% who will actually have enough to retire and maintain the level of lifestyle to which you have become accustomed? While I pray this is your reality, my experience has been that very few are “Masters of Money.” For the majority, you not only know […]
I Don’t Like People
Do you ever feel that way? Full authenticity, I really do not LIKE what most people DO but because I have a downright “unnatural” LOVE for my human kind, my heart breaks to watch people sabotage their own success and joy. While I LOVE people, I do not LIKE their behaviours which are actually counter to what they say they believe and want for themselves. People are INCONSISTENT. After 45+ years of observation, I am convinced that people are not so much “hypocritical” as they are INCONSISITENT. They do not live up to the desires they have for themselves such that what they say and do does not match what is actually occurring…..and they are ignorant of this truth. They are not aware that what they say and do counters, is the opposite of, does not lead to the results they want. I KNOW this to be a fact because […]
The Delusion of Knowledge
The Delusion of Knowledge In the 2011 first edition of “Stanford,” my university’s magazine for alumni, an article “Separation Anxiety” addresses the unintended consequences of a world that is increasingly dependent on technology and, specifically, the impact this instant access to information has on what we perceive as “factual” and, thus, assume to be the “truth.” A case in point is the degree to which we believe we “know” someone because we have read their Facebook profile, seen their professional photo on a corporate website and engaged in hours of “honest” and “deep” personal email exchanges. When you have so much data, we are led to believe that we have everything we need to know in order to make a good decision. The article points out that “a study published in 2007 by researchers at University of Texas School of Public Health showed that nearly one-third of adult women engaged […]